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Monday, September 11, 2017

Thought Leadership

   How to become a thought leader in your niche

You cannot acclaim yourself a thought leader, but it comes naturally from individuals or firms you have provided solutions to.
Thought leader has become a trending topic on the Web / offline.  Individuals and firms want to understand more and what it takes to become a thought leader in their industry.

     Who is a Thought leader?
Definition by Wikipedia.
A thought leader can refer to an individual or firm that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field. Whose expertise is sought and often rewarded.
According to Denise Brosseau:Thought Leaders are the informed opinion leaders and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas, turn ideas into reality, and known to replicate their success.

I quite agree with the above definition. Thought leaders are replicators of success, they do not stop at place,  they keep moving and changing other people's life, bringing in innovative solutions.

They create a blueprint for people to follow, they provide a process, guidelines or a set of best practices.
Create a foundation for others to build on or a movement for others to join.

  Within my few years of blogging, I was privileged to meet up online with seasoned and go-to people "thought leaders"  I am going to mention few here,  Neilpatel, I respect him for his vigor of writing down long term content,  which in turn teaches individuals and firms how to create magnetic sales funnel.  His interest is to teach and direct people to success. I recommend him to you if you currently own a business and want to go online.
Brian Dean offers a lot on content marketing and how to get  targeted traffic to your business blog.  His system works best for any individual or a firm that is  starting up. You can hook up with him anytime.

Another person who I might call up , I recently met him via Facebook.  His name is Onuoha  Uzochukwu . With my few weeks of associating with him,  he deserves the title. 
He uses his knowledge and authority to influence others to learn more about turning their blog into a business.
"Thought Leadership takes time, knowledge and expertise in a particular niche"

If you are willing to do the work to codify what you know and you have the capacity to endure and fortitude to build momentum overtime, then you can still become a thought leader in your niche. Here is the seven step framework to follow:

  • Find your driving passion
  • Build your ripples of influencer
  • Activate your advocate
  • Put your "I" on the line
  • Codify your lessons learned
  • Put yourself on shout
  • Incite (R)Evolution

       CREDIT:Denise Brosseau
I am going to throw more light on the above 7 steps frame work:

FIND YOUR DRIVING PASSION: Search your soul and write down what interests you most, what takes up your time everyday, even while others are sleeping.  What is that one thing you know how to do best more than your peers.
      Finding out your driving passion and working out on it, will make you become an expert on that particular niche. Work on yourself and learn to create value before wealth.
Creation of value is all about giving back to your community, to the unearned. Find a format to introduce back what you have learnt. I.e replicate back your success in other people's life, watch out what giving out will brought forth.

BUILD YOUR RIPPLES OF INFLUENCE: Create an awareness of yourself. How Can you do this? Thanks for the Internet today, building a personal brand has become a lot more easier. You can build up your influence around the Web via social media networks.  Setup your credentials and knowledge and update your status with quality contents.
Once your ripples starts spreading, you will begin to influence the people around you. Your expertise would be sought and your service would also be recommended.
   Where can you build a brand?
There are many social media networks,  where you can build your brand on, but there are special one for Influencers.

You can set up your accounts on these platforms, and find a  way to create value around it.

ACTIVATE YOUR ADVOCATE: Activating your advocate , means connecting with Influencers.  Having a crowd that believes in what you are saying and values it means that they will be more than willing to share what you offer with all those that follows them.
Once you have set up your blog and putting out the right content, dependable information that others would find accurate and trusted.
Look out for Influencers in your niche, that would be interested in what you know and share on your social media accounts and blog. Once connected, and they see value in your work, they could shape what many others decided to like or buy, this is where Influencer marketing comes in.
As soon as you had few Influencers who knew and trusted in you, they will really took over a lot of the heavy lifting for you and will got the word out about your experience and expertise in the industry.

PUT YOUR (I) ON THE LINE: A thought leader must be visible, people will see you as the spotlight. Putting your "I"  on the line means risking,  you have to step into the spotlight as the person who is ready to lead way.  As a thought leader or "Wannabe" you must be bold and energetic to take the challenges that comes with it.

CODIFY YOUR LESSONS LEARNED: Find a way to replicate your success to others.  Share your ideas, failures to people to encourage them to keep pushing forward their dreams and never let go.
Develop strategy to create a community, where you can share your lessons and help others develop theirs.
Leadership calls for sacrifice, if you must be recognized by others as a thought leader, then you have to step out from your comfort zone and become a rainmaker.

PUT YOURSELF ON SHOUT:I like this one, "Network on Purpose" reach out to other communities and accept invite to speak at events, conferences.
Go viral, do not remain where you are, join organizations and speak consecutively at events,  and share what you have learnt.
People will appreciate you more for impacting more to their lives. It will get you connected to top Influencers in other industries.
  Why should I become a thought leader?
It puts you on spotlight and connects you to the right people and sources.
Individuals and firms will want to affiliate with you.
Award Recognitions
Your expertise will be sought on all occasions.
It opens doors to more passive income.
"As a thought leader, you will leave a lasting legacy - transformed terms, communities, industries, systems | government"  kThoughtLeadershipLab.com

Thought Leadership, is not something you jump into, but what you have consecutively built with time, energy, and brain. If you want to become a thought leader in your niche or industry,  then you have to put up these skills, and master it. 
Don't take the bull by the horn. Learn to take a baby step, one step at a time.


  1. Reading this made me feel very excited and i must say you are very right.

    Building yourself as a thought leader is truly a journey, an interesting and exciting voyage that brings will bring you to that very center of your audience's mind as issues about your industry or niche might be their focus.

    You have pointed it all and i must cite from your last paragraph, this career is not a day job.

    1. Very delightful to have you here. Becoming a thought leader is not a day job, but something you have built with time. And I hope are where you are today because you have worked hard back in those lean years of learning and gathering experience.



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